Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mommy's First Blog!!

I figured I might as well give this blogging thing a shot...Lord knows things happen on a daily basis that are worth writing about and since I've long given up on the baby book record keeping, this should be a fun way to preserve family memories...and maybe blackmail the kiddos with them at some point. Many adorable things done and said will now be chronicled here after all!

We are getting ready to leave for vacation in 2 days...I am so ready for the beach...and SO STRESSED OUT! We are flying...not sure if anyone else has ever packed for a week-long trip for 5 people: 3 kids under 6 but I am truly confused at this point about how it will be done. On past vacations there have always been toys etc to be packed, last year we filled a minivan and only had 2 of the 3 kids with us (Thank you, Papa Nanny!!). The name of the game this year is simplicity...which will undoubtedly mean trips to the store for things that we need, but things that will also be left or thrown away. Very economical, I know...but in the midst of all of this, I'm trying very hard to keep the focus not on all of that but on where we are going, why we are much fun it is going to be :)

PS: The following week the grown ups will be taking a vacation...from this vacation. I wish! Not so long after we return, all of my boys will be returning to school. This makes me very sad...I love summer!!

Stay tuned for vacation 2010 pics, they get cuter every year...for those of you who haven't heard me obsessing about Ryan's swim camp (okay, lessons) we now have a diving board jumper...make that 3 jumpers really. I don't know how they do it: jump, swim (gasping) to the side, jump, swim to the side, get my drift. We repeated this routine at least 50 times yesterday. I wish some of that energy would rub off on me!

Funny quote of the day: While waiting for Coach Tucker on the last day of swim camp, I noticed a white mark on Ryan's tummy that isn't tanning. I said, "I wonder what that is"....his reply, "I think it's my soul." I love being his mommy!