Thursday, February 10, 2011

Intended Purpose...

When I started out it was with the intention of this being my new baby book of sorts...given that I have abandoned those way too long ago. It's embarrassing really so I won't say how long ago. I had such good intentions too...ugh! I digress...the blogging is fun to write, therapeutic at times but my original hope was that I could record for the family all of our wonderful memories, funny moments, etc.

It is for that reason that I will tonight give a collection of recent quotes...not my best writing sample, I'll warn you in advance but just a simple list <kid part> of ridiculous, adorable, thought provoking and just plain precious things that I've heard around here in the last couple of DAYS. I love my life. I ALWAYS say that I need to write things down, that I wish we had a video recording going at all times...but within seconds the funny conversation has passed and I've moved on...I'm sadly aware that this won't even be a complete list but I guess it's better than nothing. Kind of my motto as a mom sometimes...

1. "Can we sell people"
    "No baby, what made you ask that?"
    "They sold people when Jesus was alive. I think Jesus is cool"

2. "I miss Nanny, why did she have to die?"
     "I miss her too, I don't have a very good answer for you." Pause. "I guess God just wanted her home
      with him because she was so amazing."
     "I want to go home with him too so I can be with Nanny. Kids can get cancer too, you know."
     "Not this kid, Mommy can't handle that. You're not allowed to go home with God until you're very old."
      SILENCE. At least I didn't cry through the conversation this time...a variation of it takes place
      fairly regularly.I'm getting better at it...

3.  "Do you like frozen pizza?"
     "No, not really . I like warm pizza."
      Guess we really need to broaden the eating horizons around here...oops.

4.  "Natalie and Tommy keep talking about how they're in a relationship. Not like the kind of relationship
     where they wanna kiss though, don't worry."
     Pause for silent laughter so as not to bring about anger. "Oh, really? What type of relationship then?"
     "The kind where their parents are brothers or cousins or something."
     "Oh, so you mean that their parents are related?"
     "Yes! They're related!"

5.  "Why don't you ever blog about me? It's like I don't even exist in your life."
     "I tell you I'm going to blog about you all the time when you do certain things "
     "Oh yeah." Processing....processing...processing.... "What about the good stuff?"
     "That's not funny and no one really cares...I'll totally blog about you though. My terms."
     "Nah, nevermind."

PS-clearly the kiddos are not the only ones entertaining me.  Happy?! I blogged about you!!! Oh, look.
you even got a picture!! Insert minor eye roll....

I love you my funny, funny are amazing. Thanks for being born!! Yes, Mom...I stole that from you...I become you a little more every day...
