It's been quite a month...most notable would be finding out that we will have a new baby in the house in February!! Throw in regular life and well...that IS a wild ride. I'm guessing that I won't be keeping the detailed memoirs that I did in my last pregnancy so I'm really hoping to get some good details into this blog. Mom, I'm also counting on you for that Darna Journal you like to write...some things to add so far: I am around the corner from 9 weeks along and already quite large LOL. Well, I feel quite large. I woke up this morning at an obscene hour and ate frozen waffles. This was not because I simply wanted them...I was really sincerely hungry. In fact, I am sincerely hungry about every 2 hours. Doing my best to insert healthy food into the mouth every 2 hours but...sigh. The scary thing? I'm almost 7 years older than the last time around; fairly certain that what goes on is going to take a super long time to come off this time around...or that I may actually have to do something to get it to come off. Yikes. Minor anxiety there...especially if the current appetite persists. On a more serious note though, I'm just really happy and excited. Even if I gain 75 pounds and it never comes off. Okay, after I typed that I'm totally not okay with that scenario. We heard a little heartbeat twice already this month which just absolutely melted my heart. Forgot what that joy was like...and am about to cry right now. Yep, pregnant. Darna-insert into journal all of the ridiculous things I've contacted you regarding while in tears. A total basket case. The kids are super excited about baby's arrival. Lots of interesting name ideas and predictions of what said baby will look like...ehh hmm...Ryan informed us that he thinks the baby will be "African American". His exact words-true story. I'm sure there will be lots more to report as the weeks
drag go on. Looking forward to every one of them...because this will absolutely, positively be the very last time on the planet earth in this lifetime that I experience these weeks...did I stress that enough?
Onto other news...vacation was successfully completed...I think we were all a little out of breath after that one. Fun times though...I say this every year and I'll say it again: Maybe someday we can take a vacation from vacation. I wasn't even close to full capacity in the activity department and I was even worn out. Oh the poor men...the throwing of humans, balls, dive sticks & humans again was never-ending. Love these guys.

No jellyfish stings-always a good thing. Probably because we spent a total of 7.5 minutes in the ocean due to fear of the jellyfish. Wondering if the fact that everyone around us was catching giant JF all around us was intensifying this fear? Hmm. Probably. Perhaps next year we'll just find a new and different pool in town to camp out at. Less driving...but oh how I'd miss at least getting to look at the ocean, hear it...something about it <3. I know, just know that some day they will love being on the actual beach. It may be to chase girls for all I know, but some day we will not spend all of our time at the pool next to the beach!! Forget that in-town pool idea.

More exciting news yesterday...hubs was offered a job coaching college ball and gets to move on from the high school game. Long time coming, work has finally paid off...super happy for him. One slight concern: he informed me last night he will be in Louisville for a game on February 11th. When are we due? The 13th. Should be interesting...I'm voting for a late January arrival anyway but I guess we'll see what curve life throws us this time.
The not so wild part of the ride? I turn 31 tomorrow...people keep asking me what I want to do for my birthday. Umm nothing. I'd like to pretend it's not my birthday and perhaps just eat extra yummy food. Wow. That's a far cry from what I was saying 10 years ago when asked what I wanted to do for my birthday