Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Are We There Yet?

10 weeks here, 14 weeks now! We find out next month if you are a baby boy or baby girl!!
I'm going to preface this by saying that I am NOT complaining. It might sound like that a little, but I swear, I'm not. I'm in this weird place right now where time can't go fast enough...and it can't go slow enough. Kind of like the love/hate relationship I have with my kitchen floor: it hides dirt really well and it hides dirt really well. Pregnancy this time is zapping everything out of me. I'm still nauseous. I'm still exhausted. These are pregnancy symptoms that are new to me. I'm having a harder time this time being all honeymoonish about things...and I feel guilty about that. I feel like I'm being a big baby and I'd like to slap myself sometimes...hence me wanting time to move faster.

But...really, I don't want time to move faster. There is still sooooooo much to do before February, it's not even funny. Basic things like: figure out where to put the baby, how will maternity leave work when I don't actually get one. I know, know, know that all of this will work out in the end but everyone knows I'm a planner and prefer to live life with a crystal ball so this up in the air quality about life is kind of unsettling. Hmmm I wonder if this is why I don't sleep much? Is it really the mattress? Is it really that I'm constantly waking myself up to get onto that coveted left side position? Maybe I really just need to figure out some of those basics. 

I'm thinking that when school resumes tomorrow and my current baby leaves me for 1st grade, I will have a little more time to focus on answering some of these giant questions. Now let's just hope I can stay awake...

Note to baby on the way: we are all so excited that you are coming, so excited to see you and snuggle you. Mommy doesn't mean to sound anything other than that so please don't be offended. I'm just kind of old now and not as tough apparently. I love you very much. 

Note to baby leaving for 1st grade tomorrow: Thank you for a great summer...ok I'm crying now. I'm so proud of how big, independent and smart you are. I'm sorry that I'm going to cry tomorrow, I'll try to be very discreet about it. Ok, balling now.

Yep, I'm pregnant.