Thursday, January 24, 2013

Happy Birthday, My Sweet Drew!

1 year ago right now, at this moment, I was in the throes of labor...wondering if you were ever going to arrive...or if they were ever going to give me an epidural that would actually work. Here we are a year later; unfortunately sitting in a hospital again. Not how I imagined this day...but I'm so relieved to see you sleeping peacefully and I know when you wake up you will feel so much better. 5 days ago, yes I said 5 (!!!), your tiny little body started a stomach virus. Rather than improving a little every day, you've gotten here we are. This isn't your first IV, believe it or not. You still don't like them...and I don't like watching you get one. You were a trooper though and when they were finished, you rolled over, played with my hair & fell asleep. You're so stinking cute I could cry.

Your first year has been eventful, to say the least. Here's a brief recap. You entered this world in typical Drew fashion: I like to call it 'go big or go home''s just how you roll, in everything that you do. After your dramatic labor and c-section, you decided on a little pneumonia too. Once home, you struggled with acid reflux and the most insane case of colic that I have ever witnessed. Through the screams though I could see a sweet little guy and OMG was I are sooooooo sweet. I am by far your favorite person on earth. You enjoy many of the other people who adore you too but you are a Mommy's boy...and your big brother does a fantastic job of sharing me....he is, after all, the original Mommy's boy.

What else can I tell you about your 1st year? You like to do things on your own schedule...but when you decide it's time, watch out. For example, you had no teeth until 9 months. By 10 months, however, you had 6. Similarly, you decided you didn't want to crawl until 11 months...but 10 minutes after giving it a go you were literally into everything. You are FAST. You can say 3 words: Mama, Dada and dis. We think that is 'this'...even though that's an odd 3rd word. You make me walk around all day, pointing to things saying 'dis' and that means you want to touch it. As a result, nothing hangs straight on our walls or is without tiny hand prints. This is weird coming out of my mouth given my rampant OCD but...I love it and I usually don't even fix it. I know that you are my last baby and I'm soaking every hand print in. Aside from exploring inside, you love to read books. And when I say read books, I mean READ. You will sit for entire stories...meant for older kids. Sometimes you make me read 10 in a row...and by 'make' I mean you throw the book at me to tell me you want to read. Sometimes it's the same book 10 times in a row! I don't even need to look at any of your books anymore, I've memorized them. All. So now we go to the library, armed with Clorox wipes...yes, I'm that Mom...and get new material for you. I'm taking this hobby as an indication of how smart you are. God, I love you. You are such an outdoor boy...just like Ry. Doesn't matter how cold it is, you want to go outside. When we come in you throw a little fit...which by the way, you've been doing for several months now. Again, go big or go home. There is nothing small about your personality....and yes, I'm a little scared. You remind me of someone ;)

Love those muscles!

Watching your brother catch some fishies in our pond

You're a big boy, you like to eat. You still really love your bottles that's going to be super hard for you. I think we'll wait a bit on that. You've been a few months behind the curve on your other big milestones so I'm gonna give you a few more months with that too. You'll be more mature then, haha. That's my story & I'm sticking to it. You are still the world's worst sleeper...honestly, you could probably win an award. We have an appointment with the famous 'Sleep Lady' at St. Luke's next month. Honestly, I don't mind our little arrangement so much. I know it will end eventually...but...I know you need to sleep better for all of those healthy reasons. So we shall go give her a shot.

See, full of personality!!! And yes, you STILL love your burrito.

You LOVE your yumyums...I hope this isn't a problem as you get older haha
Hmmm what else...your health. You started with your first official sitter in August and proceeded to be constantly sick. So...even though she was super nice, we decided to keep you at home and so far you've avoided those tubes! We love your arrangement at home much better anyway. Miss Kate comes with your friend Mary Grace on Thursdays. You guys have so much fun. We will miss them when they move...stay tuned to hear your plans for then...because I have no idea yet! Aside from this horrendous virus, you've had a smooth few months in the health department. We're gonna get back into that pattern again, now!!

I'm pretty sure I said this was going to be a brief recap...oops. You're amazing. You're a very special little guy. You make me smile every single day and I feel so blessed to be your Mommy. Happy 1st Birthday, Drew!

Now...if we can just get discharged!! Yikes, I think they may admit you. Whatta memory this will be... For me anyway. Oy vey, Drew. Go big, or go home. XOXO