This past week or so has been full of realization that my baby is really growing up....FAST. I guess it started when I had to buy all new clothes for the coming fall season...this has never happened before because Ry could atleast wear pants for a couple of seasons before they were too small. This year we have gone from a 5T to a 5 or even 6 in some cases!! Shirts are up to a 7 at some stores (which I will never shop at again) depressing. The beginning of Kindergarten has been looming but still far enough away to not freak me out...but here we are, 5 days away. Officially freaking. I haven't even gotten to the worst parts yet gets much much worse...and again this has all taken place in the last week or so!! We no longer have much of an interest in "kid" shows, when he wakes up he wants to watch The Final Score on Fox Midwest, he can talk baseball like a man, better than some men in fact. This brings me to yesterday, the most accelerated day of all: horrible: on our way to the pool yesterday he was telling our 9 year old neighbor about the infamous Cards/Reds fight and he sounded like a newscaster. "Brandon Phillips tapped Yadi on his shin, usually this is how he says hi to the catcher but it made Yadi mad because he said all that bad stuff about his team the day before. The words he said were SO bad that they didn't even tell us all of his real words"...on and on and on...Seriously, who is this kid?! Still, it doesn't end...after the pool, it was time for his first in, I drop him off with his water bottle and come back in 2 hours. Weird, all so weird. But again, I'm not even to the worst part yet. It happened as we were about to brush teeth and go to bed. I wish you could see my face right now....he has his first loose tooth!!!! We were both literally screaming, both for different reasons obviously but it was very exciting (for him, not me).
I get it, kids grow up too fast, it'll be over before you know it, enjoy this....and whatever else I've heard about my baby in the 67.5 months that I've known him but come on!!! This is WAY too fast...
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