I do things sometimes...and I giggle to myself because I know that I am SO WEIRD. This knowledge of my weirdness does not in any way prevent me from doing these things though, I like the way I am. So...I'm now wondering, am I really weird or are there others in the world who share my "uniqueness"?
I'm sure a lot of people like to make lists and cross the items off on the list...that's not so weird, right? Oh but I...need to cross the list off with a marker. Crossing off with a pen doesn't feel as good, doesn't feel like I've accomplished as much. Insert balance here: lists/being organized=good. Liking to cross off the list=OK. Needing to do it with a marker=crossing the line.
Lines, this is a BIG one...lines in the carpet, lines in the grass...it doesn't seem to matter what kind of lines I'm making...I LOVE them all!!! I'm pretty sure a good number of people are making fun of me right now & that's fine. Laugh all you want, my husband does. But secretly...he likes that I'm the way I am. He enjoys his tidy house and yard so he grins and gives a little eye roll every once in a while. Now...I'm sure that if I every begin to yell at my family for walking on my vaccuum or lawn mowing lines, this will cross that line, that balance. In the meantime, know that if you come to my house and walk on my lines-carpet or grass, I'm privately cringing inside (I'm not mad at you though!). Please also know that as soon as you leave, I'll vaccuum again. I could honestly go a little deeper into the lines...but I won't because we don't even need to review this one...I have officially crossed the line and don't want to totally freak you out. (Still not stopping though, FYI)
Cleaning...obviously I'm a clean person. That's not a problem...no line crossed there. But...is it weird that I ALWAYS clean from the back of the house to the front? That it would just be insane to start cleaning downstairs instead of up? That the kitchen is ALWAYS the last room to be cleaned? Again, the balance thing here...cleaning=good, order of cleaning=questionable.
I'm a very simple person, I like to work on things, I like to improve upon things...but I like to keep it really easy. The conclusion I have come to is this: to have the most successful, happiest life you can have, you must have balance. Every minute, every thing, must be balanced...too much of anything is not good. Who would've thought that you could sum it all up with one word.
PS: Thanks, Mom
PSS: Someday Ryan will blog a thanks to me too.
Family history of OCD: Check.
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