Are you providing enough fruits and vegetables, enough milk, remembering to give the Flintstones vitamins? Have you selected the right school, facilitated play dates with the "right" friends, instilled manners? Have you been giving them medicine every day for years without being vigilant about possible side effects? Okay, I promise I'm done with that one for now but I could literally go on for hours about all of the ridiculous and not so ridiculous things that plague this mind of mine every
I guess what it boils down to is that I do my best. I love with all of my heart, all of the time...even when I yell or act impatiently or forget to send the quarter for hot chocolate at lunch...even when I cringe at the thought of playing anymore indoor soccer or little tykes basketball. I'm not perfect but I try. And...oh how it comes full circle now. I get it. Being a mom is hard, that doesn't mean that when I make a mistake I'm a bad mom. I'm not. I'm a flying by the seat of my pants mom on some days. I can now appreciate this about my mom...and some day the same will be done for me.
Just for the record though, I still rule the least for a few more years!
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